
Mokelumne River Deck Replacement

March 18, 2015

Job Number: 0069

Myers and Sons Construction, LP was awarded this project by Caltrans District 10 for the rehabilitation of the Mokelumne River Swing Truss Bridge.  The major operations of this project are to remove the entire deck surface and barrier rail in two stages and replace it with a lightweight fiber reinforced concrete, make structural modifications to the existing control house to increase the traveled way vertical clearance and update the bridges entire electrical and mechanical systems.  Other minor items of work for the project are rapid setting concrete patch, treat bridge deck with methacrylate, joint seals, structural spot blasting and painting, midwest guardrail system, and installation of radar feedback signs, flashing beacon signs and extinguishable message signs.  The original project was slated to be completed in two consecutive construction seasons, but in true Myers and Sons fashion, we were able to negotiate a Value Engineering Cost Proposal with Caltrans to complete the project in one season and minimize impacts the the traveling public, waterway traffic and local businesses.