March 18, 2015

Job Number: 0085

This project is located in Gilroy, CA and consists of new construction in three areas of the existing Wastewater treatment plant, which include addition to the Pre-Anoxic Basins, Blower and Aeration Improvements to the existing Oxidation Ditches, and construction of a third secondary clarifier and Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pump Station.

  1. Pre-Anoxic Basins work includes the addition of two 30’ x 30’ Concrete Basins constructed adjacent to the Existing Oxidation Ditches which will be open topped and floor mounted mixers will be installed to provide the mixing.  This also includes Stainless Steel Slide gates and other miscellaneous items to facilitate needed operations.
  2. Aeration System consists of two new blower buildings which will house the blower motors for the new aeration system to the existing Oxidation Ditches and the Stainless Steel piping and Fine bubble diffusers which will be mounted to the floor of the existing Oxidation Ditches.  This work will have to be installed while leaving one existing Oxidation Ditch is service at all times.
  3. Secondary Clarifier is the construction of a completely new 130’ Diameter Secondary Clarifier which will operate in parallel with the plants two existing secondary clarifiers. The work includes the construction of a new RAS Pump Station to support the new secondary clarifier, earthwork and underground piping and electrical needed to add this to the two existing secondary clarifiers.