March 18, 2015

Job Number: 0053

Myers and Sons Construction and Banicki Construction, a joint venture of Sterling Construction subsidiaries, was the chosen team by LAWA for the LAX Second Level Roadway Construction Management at Risk Project. This $80 Million dollar project will rehabilitate the entire bridge structure, including self-performance of bridge jacking and repair, bearing pad replacement, barrier replacement, polyester concrete deck overlay, and roadway widening that connects to the terminals at LAX and add on LED light band that circles the terminal. This project will enhance LAX from a structural and aesthetic standpoint. The Project is characterized by significant vehicular and pedestrian congestion within the work area, night work requirements, high visibility of the construction work (and workers) to the public, and significant coordination requirements with multiple stakeholders such as other airport contractors, governing agencies, airport transportation (transport charter party, or TCP), busing, auto rental agencies, airport concessions, consultants and general deliveries. All involve 24 -hours-per-day/seven(7)-days-a-week monitoring and maintenance.Highlighted Project