
Terminal Island Water Reclamation Plant – Aeration System Replacement

March 18, 2016

Job Number: 0103

The TIWRP Blower Replacement Projects will replace the existing three air blowers and provide for modifications to the aeration air distribution system. This project will replace air headers with single designated aeration headers to aeration basins and channels. Aeration basin downcomers and air grids including air system instrumentation and controls will be replaced as well. This project will install equipment procured by the City. The Blowers (CIP 5239) and Aeration System (CIP 5240) will integrate with TIWRP electrical and instrumentation systems and a balance of utilities.
The Project will provide for installation of three (3) new City furnished blowers, two Model STC GO (66-SV-GL400) 27,000 SCFM capacity and one Model STC GO (80-SV-GL500) 35,000 SCFM capacity air blowers by Siemens for aeration distribution systems, motor control center, aeration single air headers to 9 aeration basins (AB’s) and 1 air header to channels, instrumentation (flow meters, dissolve oxygen (DO) meters, control valves (10), installation of new City furnished Aeration Grids and integration with the existing air distribution systems, tie-in with existing foul air intake chamber and all associated piping, electrical, and instrumentation as shown on contract documents. The Electrical system upgrade consists of replacement of three (3) existing 4160 V Synchronous motor starters with three (3) new 4160 V motor soft start starters with Power factor correction capacitors. The electrical system upgrade will include replacement of existing 480 V MCC’s and associated wiring with new MCCs and wiring. Myers and Sons Work: Demo 3 blowers & much of aeration system, install city provided replacements, integrate with existing equipment, utilities & DCS, reconstruct affected parts of facility.