
Lytton Rancheria Wastewater Treatment Plant Progressive Design Build

March 2, 2021

Job Number: 0276

Lytton Rancheria WWTP is a Progressive design/build project with Myers and Sons and HydroScience Engineers. The project included an aggressive timeline design/build approach. The project provided wastewater for the new Lytton Rancheria community that will consist of about 300 new homes, a community center, and a retreat center that is being built in phases. The project utilized a Cloacina membrane bio reactor system. The project also provides the entire community and property with continuous recycled water for landscaping needs. This project is a new complete brand new WWTP facility. Myers and HydroScience quickly completed equipment evaluations, identified the optimal project configuration, and developed the design in close collaboration with each other, the Tribe, and owner’s representative. With the cooperation and coordination with HydroScience as well as the Tribe this project was able to meet the required deadline and allowed the Tribe to begin to move into their fantastic new property.