
Horse Tooth/Fort Collins

July 17, 2018

Job Number: 0206

In 2011, the Engineering Department completed an Arterial Intersection Prioritization Study which listed the Horsetooth Road and College Avenue intersection as a top ranked location for needed safety and operational improvements. Existing problems identified include heavy congestion during peak traffic periods and high number of northbound and southbound left turn crashes.

Myers and Sons was tasked with:

  • fully rebuilding the existing intersection with concrete pavement
  • adding dual left turn lanes in all directions
  • adding right turn lanes with pedestrian refuge islands on College Avenue
  • fully replace the bridge on Horsetooth Road over Larimer Canal No. 2
  • widening the College Avenue bridge over Larimer Canal No. 2
  • updating landscaping and urban design
  • installing new medians and a new signal system

This scope of work is meant to improve safety and reduce congestion, improve facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians, and update landscaping and urban design.