Civic Center WWTP – Phase I
March 18, 2016Categories
Treatment PlantsJob Number: 0111
Improvements consist of a wastewater treatment facility including an influent pump station, equalization basin, headworks with flow meter, screen and grit removal, intermediate pump stations, bioreactors, aeration blowers, membrane reactors, blowers and pumps, citric acid feed system, UV disinfection, recycled water pump stations and tanks, sodium hypochlorite and magnesium hydroxide systems, solids storage tank, membrane thickening transfer pump, membrane solids thickening system, odor control system, Headworks building, Membrane Tank enclosure with roof, Blower and Electrical building, Solids building, Operations and Laboratory building, HVAC, electrical, instrumentation/controls, mechanical, demolition, sitework improvements and landscaping and irrigation. The work also includes Best Management Practices (BMP), mitigation, monitoring and reporting requirements, traffic control, dewatering, asphalt pavement, and all other appurtenant work included and as shown on the Plans and in the Contract Documents and Specifications. The Contractor shall also take over operations and maintenance of the existing wastewater treatment facility that service the Colony Plaza shopping center for the duration of project construction and startup of the new treatment plant facility.