
Woodland North Pond Pump Station

February 22, 2021

Job Number: 0224

The project generally includes work within the existing pond to repurpose it to storm water treatment and detention with a capacity of approximately 1,000 acre-feet and also the construction of a 60 cubic foot/second (expandable to 120 cfs)storm drainage pumping plant located on Main Street across the street from the East Main Pump Station. The project will construct the following improvements: Low flow training wall and inlet pipes from the Gibson Channel to the North Regional Pond High flow weir from the South Canal into the North Regional Pond Outlet pipes from the North Regional Pond to the South Canal which runs parallel to CR103 Extension of the storm drainage culverts under I-5 Pump station at the downstream terminus of the South Canal (south side of Main Street – AKA CR22) Force main and outfall from the pump station to the City’s storm drain outfall channel