
Rt 101/ Calabasas Precast

March 18, 2015

Job Number: 0074

The job consists of approximately 590,000 square feet of precast, pre-tensioned, reinforced concrete slabs that sit on top of approximately 4 inch thick rapid set lean concrete base. The panels are pre tensioned at the manufacturer's fabrication yard, cured then trucked to the site and then placed.  The slabs run up and down all lanes across the freeway. Caltrans is working closely with Myers and Sons to produce the best quality product with the most innovative approach to speed and efficiency for placement of the panels to reduce and alleviate the impact the travelling public the least way possible.

The other items include: 1,410,000 square yards of cold plane asphalt pavement with 191,000 tons of Rubberized Hot Mix AC, Superpave, of mainline paving and replacement of all of the existing on and off ramps along with the parallel shoulders, 236,000 square feet of stamped concrete paving, 110,000 feet of Midwest Guardrail  System and seven new Maintenance Vehicle Pullouts along a 26 mile stretch of Rt 101 through the San Fernando Valley from Rt 170 to Kanan Road OC.