
Las Gallinas WWTP

March 1, 2021

Job Number: 0214

The WWTP is an active plant that must remain operational at all times. The work includes site demolition and removal of existing equipment and/or infrastructure, and construction of all site improvements. The work includes modification of existing headworks, construction of new electrical building, construction of new pump station, anoxic basin and aeration basins and installation of all associated equipment. The work also includes construction of new secondary clarifiers, modification of existing chlorine contact chambers, construction of a new dechlorination chemical storage and dosing facility, construction of new mechanical and thickeners. Additional work includes installation of new pond return pumps and recycled water plant (RWTF) feed pumps and installation of RWTF membrane skids and RWTF distribution pumps. Additional tasks include complete site grading, yard piping, vaults (and flow meters), electrical, valving and gates (with actuators), paving, retaining walls, concrete walkways, and other appurtenances. A new UV building all equipment and other appurtenances is included as a bid alternative. Responsibilities include coordination of all construction activities with plant operators to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of the plant during construction and transition to new processes.