
City of Vacaville: Easterly WWTP

July 13, 2018

Job Number: 0136

This project is the fourth and final portion of the planned construction projects that are needed to meet the requirements for the City of Vacaville's current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. It also addresses the California Regional Water Quality Control Board’s shifting focus toward groundwater protection. Myers and Sons Construction is responsible for the construction of a vehicle storage building, concrete lining of the emergency storage basin, repair of the northern biosolids drying bed, complete demolition of the north plant, and extension of the north plant containment wall. This included demolition of the old headworks building and the removal and replacement of 250,000 sqft of biosolids handling bed. The City of Vacaville Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant serves the City of Vacaville, the Community of Elmira, the California Medical Facility and most of the Vaca Valley Industrial Park.