
The Sac Gap Combined Project on Interstate 5

The Sac Gap Combined Project on Interstate 5
Now in its third year, the Sac Gap Combined Project encompasses the pavement rehabilitation and deck replacement of Interstate 5 in Siskiyou County from Dunsmuir to Black Butte Overhead in Weed. Begun on June 12, 2023, the work is a Walsh-Myers Joint Venture Project valued at $140,630,444.

The purpose of the project is to restore the roadway to a state of good repair that will require less maintenance over time. Due to trucks using chains during the winter months, sections of the roadway incurred significant wear and the project is repairing that damage and increasing the drivability for motorists. The new concrete pavement will also decrease the need for costly repairs over time and minimize the exposure of maintenance crews to fast-moving traffic.

The Walsh-Myers Team at work on I-5 during the initial phase of the project in June 2023. Drone photo courtesy of KDRV Newswatch 12.

The J-V Team completed placement of 112,000 cubic yards of new Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) over seasons one and two in 2023 and 2024, marking a completion of 93% of the project work. The entire northbound roadway was reconstructed and selected interchange ramps were also rehabilitated. Bridge rails and drainage systems were upgraded to current standards, and overhead sign structures and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) elements were installed as well.

Originally constructed in the 1950s, this classic triple-arch, cast-in-place concrete bridge spans the Sacramento River, a roadway, and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Work in progress, above, shows the recent replacement of the bridge deck.

Season three begins on April 1st and the final phase of the project entails 2,100 cubic yards of new JPCP under the Union Pacific Railroad overcrossing near the North Mt. Shasta Boulevard overcrossing. Targeted completion is in June this year, approximately five months ahead of schedule.

The Sac Gap Combined Project on Interstate 5